Saturday, January 23, 2016

Deeper into Star Skunk: Z-Tech and the villein

So I'll tell you this, Star Skunk is going to be a little bit more emotional then I thought. And really, kids aren't going to be the main audience. Really whats going to happen is, I'll make the show and whoever likes it can watch it.

Like the bad guy. I'm going to make him dark, for a good story reason and I won't dull it down just to make it less scary. If it gets creepy I'll release them in the morning.

I'll also have some humor that will fly right over some peoples heads. And other humor thats meant  especially for the littles. (Fart jokes come to mind. After all its skunks.)

And now I think we'll go deeper into Z-Tech.
Z-Tech is almost not a tech company at all. But the villeins privet army.
Created for one thing...  I can't tell that. Spoiler!
Now the "Z" is still under thought but I think I'll make that the first letter of his name.

And since Z-Tech is made for one thing, crime is somewhat common. And with lots of criminals, theres  bounty-hunters, wolves to be exact.

So I'm hoping to make more posts like this one in the future. But for now I'll work more in the world
of Star Skunk.

So Piggy on! 

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