Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Chick sculpt, Illustration Friday, and what I've been doing.

So I finally got Blender! (Blender as in the free open source 3D graphics engine.)
And I have been makin' stuff. The new blog logo, profile pictures (that weird plant thingy was getting boring) and other untold, um, stuff.

The first thing I'll show you is the most recent thing I made.
I was messing with a sphere in sculpt mode when I thought: "Oh geez, the world is ending!!! If I don't make a blogpost soon millions of innocent people will die!!!" (#Return-of-the-three-exclamation-points #truck-load-of-orphans.)

So in honor of the name. I present thee... a chick.
"I thought this was a G blog?"
No, no, no. Think farmy.
"I thought you where more sensible then that."
The blog's called "Squeaky Pigs Art"!
"So you're making it about babes."
NO! Just look at the image. It's G alright?

And besides I'm not that good yet. (I wouldn't make something like that anyway. It's a waste of time I that I could be writing  or making something to entertain. In a good way.)

 Next I guess I'll show you what I used this model for. Illustration Friday!
The prompt was: Trapped, so put our chick friend in a corner, framed him nice and slapped the render button.

I have to catch escaped chicks all the time, So it wasn't to hard to come up with this image.
"And you wondered? 'how do they feel inside?' right?"
No I wonder how stupid they can be to try as hard as they can to get out, when, if they get out they'll die.
"So you don't feel bad for them?"
Nope. It's for there own good.


This is one of my favorites. It's a space model. I didn't have any special framing or anything.
But I still pretty like it. 

And, as they say, the first will go last. (By "they" I meant:"all those people who unknowingly quote the bible." Or: "All those people who quote the bible.")

My first session in blender I made a truck.  My skills weren't so handy since I had just downloaded the software for the first time in a while, so forgive a little.

And that's that.

Oh and I've been working on video and animation stuff in blender so come back soon.

"You're still a jerk."

Mario clocking out!

"This doesn't change anything!"

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